ordsall neighbourhood centRE
robert hall street
m5 3lt
This is a site on the River Douglas, near Whalley in Lancashire. It shows a pre-existing weir on the left, and the turbine house in the background, (on private land). The development was brought forward by a community group.
The site in Salford of a new hydro scheme. Littleton Road is in the distance, and there is new housing on the right, out of shot. An existing weir is on the left. This is the River Irwell. The scheme has been brought forward by Salford City Council and let out to a private development company.
A view of Niagra Falls, (from the Canadian side). The water flows from top to bottom left, dropping more than a hundred feet, but the white foam near the distant top bank shows where it flows through a series of tunnels to create electricity. The concrete blockhouse in the centre of the picture, (to the right of the flag pole), was constructed by Nikola Tesla in the early years of the twentieth century, and was the first working example of his newly developed AC current, (the subject of a recent Hollywood film). The size of this project clearly dwarfs anything we are capable of in Britain right now.
This is Halton Hydro, on the River Lune, east of Preston in Lancashire. The existing weir has been harnessed to support a new reverse Archimedes screw construction on the near bank. This is near to Halton Mill, an exciting new enterprise development of small businesses and co-operatives, and there is a co-housing community on this side of the river, offering amazing views of the countryside downstream.